Visual Time-Temperature Indicators

Objective: We are developing color-changing, time-temperature sensitive indicators that can be attached to individual biospecimen or bioreagent vials that, once activated, will visually alert their curators to if/when the specimens have exceeded a user-predetermined acceptable-exposure limit to thawed-state conditions—which may be well below 0 °C.

Click on Time Lapse Video to Watch It

Commercialization of this technology is underway at CryoVeritas, Inc., an ASU spin-out company.

Objective: We are developing color-changing, time-temperature sensitive indicators that can be attached to individual biospecimen or bioreagent vials that, once activated, will visually alert their curators to if/when the specimens have exceeded a user-predetermined acceptable-exposure limit to thawed-state conditions—which may be well below 0 °C.

Click on Time Lapse Video to Watch It

Commercialization of this technology is underway at CryoVeritas, Inc., an ASU spin-out company.

The indicators under development are based on a chemical reaction between permanganate and oxalate.

MnO4-Oxalate Chemical Reaction

This reaction has unique, mathematically modelable autocatalytic kinetics, facilitating the design of custom run times (at a fixed temperature) during which the color remains a vivid pink color then rapidly transitions to clear at the end of the designed run time:

10 min Reaction Graph

60 min Reaction Graph

10 min Reaction Graph 60 min Reaction Graph

If the temperature changes while the reaction is running, the reaction speeds up (at warmer temperatures) or slows down (at colder temperatures), mirroring the kinetics of reactions that lead to biomolecular degradation:

In the time-lapse video below a single reaction solution is split and run at room temperature and on ice. The room temperature indicator expires after 12 minutes. The indicator on ice takes 60 minutes to expire:

The reactions can be run in special anti-freeze solutions that allow for the indicators to remain active well below 0 °C, but eutectically freeze (and therefore halt) at temperatures below -17 °C, -37 °C, or -67 °C. The graphs below illustrate the ability of these indicators to continue to run well below 0 °C. They also illustrate how the reactions speed up dramatically with increased temperature—as desired for a visual indicator that tracks biomolecular integrity:

LiClO4 system kinetics at 25C, 4C, and -12C

NaClO4 system kinetics at 25C, 4C, and -18C

Mg(ClO4)2 system kinetics at 25C, 4C, and -18C

LiClO4 system kinetics at 25C, 4C, and -12C NaClO4 system kinetics at 25C, 4C, and -18C Mg(ClO4)2 system kinetics at 25C, 4C, and -18C

Biospecimen Integrity
Bottom-Up Glycomics
Osteocalcin/Vit K
Background Art Credit: Shireen Dooling of The Biodesign Institute
Website Design and Construction by C. R. Borges